Zu Chongzhi Mathematics Research Seminar
Date and Time (China standard time): Monday, November 20, 4:00-5:00 pm
Location: IB 1050
Zoom: 964 0698 0429; Passcode: dkumath
Title: Distance sets on Riemannian surfaces
Speaker: Yakun Xi
Bio: Yakun Xi is a harmonic analyst at School of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University. In 2017, he received his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, advised by Prof. Christopher D. Sogge. He worked as a visiting assistant professor at University of Rochester from 2017 to 2020, and joined Zhejiang University in 2020.
Abstract: We discuss the generalization of the Falconer distance problem to the Riemannian setting. In particular, we extend some recent results in Euclidean space to the Riemannian case.