

10:00 AM


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WDR 1007



Event details

Zu Chongzhi Mathematics Research Seminar

Date and Time (China standard time): Wednesday, December 11, 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Location: WDR 1007

Zoom: 939 4166 9007, Passcode: dkumath

Title: Classification of the analytic steady states of 2D Euler equation

Speaker: Yupei Huang

Abstract: Classification of the steady states for 2D Euler equation is a classical topic in fluid mechanics. In this talk, we consider the rigidity of the analytic steady states in  bounded simply-connected domains. By studying an over-determined elliptic problem in Serrin type, we show the stream functions for the steady state are either radial function or solutions to semi-linear elliptic equations.  This is the joint work with Tarek Elgindi, Ayman Said and Chunjing Xie.

Bio: I am currently a graduate student in Duke under the supervision of Tarek Elgindi. I study partial differential equations related to fluid mechanics.