Zu Chongzhi Mathematics Research Seminar
Date and Time (China standard time): Monday, January 22, 1:00-2:00 pm
Location: WDR 1007
Title: On bilinear estimates for NLS
Speaker: Chenjie Fan
Bio: Chenjie Fan is currently an associate professor at the Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained his Ph.D. in MIT in 2017, and did his postdoc (Dickson Instructor) at the Unversity of Chicago, 2017-2020. He is mostly interested in nonlinear dispersive PDE, harmonic analysis, and stochastic analysis.
Abstract: In this talk, I want to discuss several quite classical bilinear estimates, which turn out to play an important role in the study of NLS, and I would also discuss a bit bilinear estimates for NLS on waveguide, part of the material is from work in preparation with Deng, Yang, Zhao, Zheng.