Well-posedness Theory of Some Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamic Equations

Zu Chongzhi Center Mathematics Research Seminar

Date and Time (China standard time): Tuesday, June 20, 10:00-11:00 am

Location: IB 1010

Zoom ID: 992 7372 0240

Passcode: dkumath

Title: Well-posedness Theory of Some Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamic Equations

Speaker: Ke Chen

Bio: Ke Chen (陈可) obtained her Ph.D. in 2023 from Fudan University. She will be a postdoc at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research interests are partial differential equations in fluid dynamics. 

Abstract: We consider two different free boundary problems in fluid dynamic equations, namely, the fluid system in porous media (Muskat problem) and the fluid-solid interaction immersed boundary system (Peskin problem), and give the well-posedness results in critical spaces.