

10:00 AM


11:00 AM


WDR 1007



Event details

Date and Time (China standard time): Tuesday, August 13, 10:00-11:00 am

Location: WDR 1007

Zoom: 983 0292 9820, Passcode: dkumath

Title: Sticky particle dynamics with alignment interactions

Speaker: Changhui Tan

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce the Euler-alignment system, which models the dynamics of collective behaviors. I will focus on characterizing weak solutions, aiming to isolate a unique solution by introducing an entropic selection principle. This selection principle is compatible with the sticky particle collision rules and enables the construction and approximation of the desired solution. I will present an analytical convergence result and explore the formation of finite- and infinite-time clusters.

Bio: I got my Ph.D at University of Maryland in 2014. I am currently an associate professor at University of South Carolina. My research interest lies in analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations, with applications in fluid dynamics, hyperbolic conservation laws, and complex biological models.